Hunter Over Fences is a discipline where the horse and rider jump a course of fences. The higher levels are for advanced Hunt Seat riders (must be Regular Level) but there are introductory classes of ground poles to teach riders to negotiate a course and cross poles for beginning Over Fences Riders.
Divisions Offered
Ground poles, Cross Poles, 2’, 2’6 (Regular)
To compete at cross poles and above, rider must have Regular status.
Hunter Under Saddle – Flat class (no jumping) judged on horses manners, movement, consistency, and style. Walk/trot/canter in a group on the rail.
Hunter Over Fences – Over Fences round of usually 8 jumps judged on horses manners, distance found to jumps, movement, consistency, and style.
Equitation Over Fences – Over Fences round of usually 8 jumps judged on the position and decisions of the rider and distance found to jumps.
Handy Hunter (2’6 division only) – Over Fences round of usually 8-10 jumps consisting of a more difficult pattern with sharper turns to test horse and rider’s “handyness” on course. Judged equally on horse and rider using criteria from hunter and equitation judging.
Hunter Hack – Flat class with short 2 jump pattern at the end usually consisting of a single line and a hand gallop to halt. Judged as an overall test of a horses movement and maneuverability.

Stephanie Castner
Sandra Green- Show Registrar
Class Descriptions
Tack Guidelines
Jumping Checklist
Tips for Jumping at Home